Glitter Words


i'm loving it....

today, we made up our minds to sit together at one of the famous fastfood outlets in Api-Api centre. instead the four of us this evening, we end up just the three of us. we were planning to discuss on what we thought that we should upload in our blogs.

well, seems that blogging is something that is quite new to us, we still managed to overcome our problem without the assistance from the professional blogger. hemmm, we found out it was not so hard after all, its pretty fun... while concentrating doing our blogs and discussing on how to enhance our skills and infos in our blog, we, without realising were also busy munching our potato fries, chicken nuggets, carbonated drinks, coffee, kuih raya bla bla bla... then suddenly it came to our minds that other than uploading our blog, we were also uploading more calories and fats into our bodies hehehehehe....

one of the member of the F4 group shared her experience last nite. it was the most terrifying moment for her while she was taking her bath, she can hear the sound of the wind blowing from outside her bathroom to the extend that they encountered electricity supply breakdown. She can hear noises from the outside but she can't exactly figure out what the noise all about. Her family members came to informed her that some trees outside the house fell. Luckily it didn't hit her house. after a while that very morning itself everything came back to normal.

it's time to pack...we gonna go now and please catch up with us again soon.... i'm lovin' it!!!!

Iklan Raya

Hari Raya selama sebulan dirayakan dengan meriah di Malaysia di pelusuk negeri. Masyarakat pelbagai bangsa dan budaya turut merayakannya.

Hari raya merupakan hari dimana media juga memainkan peranan penting dalam memberi kesedaran terhadap masyarakat. Cara yang paling efektif yang dilakukan adalah melalui kepelbagaian iklan yang ditonjolkan di kaca-kaca televisyen. Malah kini, iklan merupakan sesuatu yang mesti setiap kali hari raya tiba.

Salah satu iklan yang palig saya ingati adalah yang diarahkan oleh Allayarhammah Yasmin Hamid. Beliau merupakan salah seorang pengarah yang berbakat besar dan juga kreatif. Setiap iklan yang dicipta dan disiarkan olehnya menyentuh perasaan penonton dan memberi impak yang besar.

Salah satu iklan yang saya masih tidak dapat lupa oleh Arway adalah yang berikutnya:

Ada pengajaran yang terselit dibelakang lakonan yang disampaikan. Pendekatan pemujukan ini adalah bersesuaian untuk masyarakat Malaysia yang kini kian lupa akan tatasusila apabila berhadapan dengan ibubapa mereka.

Hormatilah kedua orang tua anda. Biarpun mereka tidak berdaya, biarpun mereka bukan mereka lagi, kita sebagai anak yang dididik, dibelai penuh kasih sayang harus memberi perhatian, kasih sayang dan keprihatinan. Ibarat pohon yang rendang, kasih mereka memanyungi kita hingga ke akhir hayat.

Ops Sikap TV3

Fatal Accident 2009

A motorist is on the way back for the and following behind a lorry when suddenly the accident occur. Thank goodness, he managed to escaped the collision. However, it is not the same fate as it is to the person in the white Nissan, a father and a son. However, is it been reported later on that the father is safe eventhough he is in a critical condition. The son however, died on the scene of the crash. The collision is head on between the car and a oil tanker in Kuala Pilah.

Be safe on the road. Be aware of your surrounding cause you never know what's ahead of you if you don't!

Glitter Words